2023 Meat Add-on

2023 Meat Add-on

The Meat Add-on is a monthly box of mixed meats, including pastured pork and chicken, grass-fed beef and occasionally grass-fed lamb. For example, A typical box contains 1 whole chicken, 2 packages of ground beef, and 2-3 packages of other beef or pork cuts such as steaks, roasts, sausages, pork chops, bacon and more. Box contents differ each month and vary according to availability. 

All products are sourced within our 150 km radius of Parliament Hill, with the majority of the contents being sourced from our member farms.

Farmhouse Food employs strict production protocols in sourcing our meat:

  • All pigs, chickens, lambs and cattle must be pasture-raised (living outdoors on fresh pasture);
  • All cattle must be exclusively grass-fed and grass-finished (no grain);
  • All grains fed to other livestock must be certified organic (no GMOs or pesticide residues);
  • The use of artificial growth hormones and prophylactic use of antibiotics is prohibited;
  • All livestock must be raised humanely and stress-free;
  • Preference is given to meats from farms that practice regenerative agriculture and use their pastures to sequester carbon and provide wildlife habitat.

The Meat Add-on will be delivered once every 4 weeks with your Harvest Box, at a cost of $135/box. Farmhouse Food determines the delivery schedule of the Meat Add-on. For all bi-weekly customers we will set your bi-weekly schedule based on our meat delivery schedule. 

You will be charged for the first box when you sign up for it and then again monthly when your deliveries begin until the subscription is paid in full.

Add-on boxes cannot be delivered on alternate dates.